(c) Lara Mack

Karoline Maes

After studying German and Italian literature for 2 years at the University of Luxembourg, Karoline Maes changed paths and studied for a Master's degree in Production and Direction in Film at the IECA Film School in Nancy, France.
After returning to Luxembourg, she started working in film productions and later worked as a free lance production manager for numerous film and TV productions in Luxembourg.
Since 2014, she has been working regularly as a production manager for films produced by Amour Fou Luxembourg such as Hinterland by Stefan Ruzowitzky, Himbeeren mit Senf by Ruth Olshan, Une histoire provisoire by Romed Wyder, Ingeborg Bachmann - Reise in die Wüste by Margarethe von Trotta, Jakobs Ross by Katalin Godrös and La mort viendra by Christoph Hochhäusler.