Volver la Vista

a film by Fridolin Schönwiese
World Premiere: Locarno 2005

*Austria / Mexico 2005 // 90min // 35mm


Volver la Vista - The Gaze Back artificially puts the viewer in the role of a foreigner. It portraits twentysix Mexicans who live in Austria and Austrians spending their lives in Mexico. Emploring clichés, desires, dreams and personal experiences, they depict their ideas of home while at the same time attempting to localize their personal identities. They are accompanied by two cameramen who themselves cross borders. Their gazes follow the narrators and their stories to the other country.

Written & Directed by

Fridolin Schönwiese


Johannes Hammel, Rafael Ortega, Joerg Burger


Karina Ressler


Michael Palm, Antonio Fernandez Ros


Gabriele Kranzlbinder, Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu


AMOUR FOU Vienna, Producciones Sincronia Mexiko

Supported by

Filmfonds Wien, Innovative Film Austria, ORF, den Länder Tyrol, Salzburg, Vorarlberg, Steiermark, Oberösterreich, Niederösterreich, den Städten Salzburg und Innsbruck, Cine Tirol, Cine Culture Carinthia, Cine Styria, Salzburg-Agentur




Firenze 05 - Festival dei Popoli 2006
Mexico City - EU Filmfestival CINETECA National
Morelia - 2005 Int. Film Festival
Saarbrücken 06 - 27. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis 2006
Dissolvenze Film Festival Gradisca Sonderprogramm "Amour Fou Pour Vous" 2005
Internationales Filmfestival Locarno 2005- Video Wettbewerb 2005
Internationales Filmfestival Innsbruck 2005
Festival Cultural de Mayo - Cine Austriaco, Jalisco, Mexiko 2005
Diagonale 2005